Psihološko savjetovalište Iva Stasiow



Psychological counselling MD Iva Stasiow  er vefsíða og þar er boðin rafræn meðferð og ráðgjöf. Um er að ræða bæði einstaklingsráðgjöf og ráðgjöf fyrir pör. Ráðgjöfin getur farið fram í síma, tölvupósti eða á samskiptaforritinu Skype.  Einnig er í boði hefðbundin ráðgjöf. Á vefsíðunni er að finna allar upplýsingar um kosti ráðgjafar í síma eða tölvupósti. Jafnframt er þar ýmislegt fræðsluefni og einstakar kannanir svo sem þunglyndispróf og spurningar um hjónabandið. Á vefsíðunni má einnig finna bloggsvæði þar sem einstaklingum gefst tækifæri að tjá  sig. Þjónustan er einnig í boði á Facebook og YouTube.

  • Markhópur
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  • Tegund
  • Náms- og starfsráðgjöf
  • Meðferð
  • Land
  • Króatía
Course code: TGP513
Category: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

Psychological counselling MD Iva Stasiow (Psihološko savjetovalište Iva Stasiow) is a web site that offers counselling and psychotherapy for individuals or marital partners, in person or online. The online counselling and psychotherapy are offered through telephone and email.  On About me page is relevant biographical data and video clips of the therapist who has completed “School for Holistic medicine” in UK.  On Psychological counselling page the therapist explains the benefits of telephone and online counselling/therapy and offers details on how to make contact. Also there are interesting texts and material on Psychotherapy  and Interesting pages that cover topics such as what is psychotherapy, mental health in global, or specific issues like depression, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Also, texts on laws of Republic of Croatia on Patient rights, Mental health patient rights, Quality of health care, Health care insurance and such are provided. Several short tests (depression test, is your marriage in crises, how much was I hurt by my parent(s)) on  Tests and questionnaires page. Also, the web-site offers therapist’s blog(s) and has price list info. Telephone number and email address are available. The therapist offers potential clients to meet her for 15 minutes through Skype free of charge in order for them to get to know her. The web page is easy to use and it mostly written in a way that the therapist is directly talking to the reader.

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(access date: 15/07/2017)



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