


SilverCloud býður rafræn námskeið fyrir einstakinga sem þjást af kvíða, þunglyndi, streitu, líkamsímyndarvandamálum,mataræði eða langvarandi sjúkdóma. Námskeiðin eru gagnreynd ( evidence-based) og þróuð af leiðandi sérfræðingum á þessu sviði. Einstaklingarnir læra tækni til að stjórna og sigrast á heilsufarslegum málum. Ennfremur er lögð áhersla á skilgreiningar og að styrkja hæfni einstaklinga.

  • Markhópur
  • Fullorðnir
  • Efni
  • Þunglyndi
  • Kvíði
  • Átröskun
  • Stress
  • Langvarandi veikindi
  • Tegund
  • Meðferð
  • Markþjálfun
  • Land
  • Bretland
Course code: TGP573
Category: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

SilverCloud is a translational research project undertaken by the National Digital Research Centre, Dublin and Mater University Hospital in Ireland. They offer effective, supportive programs for a range of mental and behavioural health issues. The programs are designed in conjunction with partners from academic and medical institutions. The content is designed to be motivational, easy to use and interactive with relevance to the unique requirements of the service user. For example there are several anxiety programs which address people suffering from e.g. panic, phobia, social anxiety or depression and anxiety. Then there are depression programs which teach techniques to overcome and manage the symptoms of low mood and depression. Furthermore there is a stress program which provides tools and techniques to manage stress and focuses on identifying and enhancing existing strengths and skills as well as building new ones. For people with difficulties with body image and eating there is a preventive and practical program which provides tools and strategies to build a positive body image, better self-esteem and to develop a healthy relationship with food. Finally there is a program addressing people with chronic illness, e.g. people suffering from coronary heart disease, chronic pain or diabetes. Clients learn to understand the connection between their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, enhance self-efficacy and self-management skills as well as to set effective goals and tools for problem solving.

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(access date: 08/02/2017)



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