Talk Through



Talk Through er neytendavæn vefsíða fyrir meðferðaraðila. Það er sagt að ekki þurfi annað en tölvu og nettengingu. Vefsíðan nýtist hvort sem er í litlum eða stórum fyrirtækjum eins og á heilsugæslustöðvum, einkareknum læknastöðvum eða sálfræðiþjónustum. TalkThrough býður lausnir á þremur sviðum;  við stjórnun, við fjármálagerð og fyrir sálfræðilegar meðferðir.



  • Markhópur
  • Sálfræðingar
  • Náms- og starfsráðgjafar
  • Starfsfólk heilbrigðisstétta
  • Tegund
  • Vefsíða
  • Bók
  • Land
  • Slóvenía
Course code: TGP587
Category: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

To adapt to specific way of working of each therapist, Talk Through is designed modularly. Developed in collaboration with psychotherapists and clinical psychologists, it offers solutions that make administration and therapeutic work more systematic and traceable.  Online Talk Solutions try to enable therapists to devote more attention to clients and less time for administration work. In the design of Talk Through, great attention was paid to compliance with legislation in the field of personal data security and to the ethical standards that are part of European psychotherapy organizations. Talk Through uses the same security technologies as online banks, government and healthcare institutions. All data transmitted between computer and servers are encrypted.

In the field of administration, Talk Through simplifies daily scheduling. It allows entering or replacing dates of appointments.  Timetables can be arranged for individual, couples or group therapies separately and are integrated in a client’s personal folder. For the managing of a psychotherapeutic cardboard  provides forms for psychotherapeutic  and final reports, quick overviews, exchanges of data between specialists and uploading of x-ray images, reports, audio recordings and others.

Talk Through invoicing is adapted to Slovenian legislation. Accounts can be issued directly on the basis of hours worked, monthly, individually or for a specified period. Talk Through also facilitates communication with accounting. Data can be exported with an Excel file. Talk Through can be used also as teaching tool for communication between supervisor and students at the time of their practice.

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(access date: 11/07/2017)



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