Module 8: Psychological aspects and competences in online interventions

Evelyn Schlenk – Innovation in Learning Institute

  • The module explains the status quo of the standards in online counselling or therapy and lists the qualification requirements for counsellors and therapists. Etc.
  • It draws attention to the fact that text-based forms of counselling and therapy are currently the most common form of online communication between professionals and clients. The associated requirements for reading and writing skills are explained.
  • In order to deal professionally with written requests, the theory of hermeneutics provides some basic insights.
  • A practical implementation of the theory is illustrated by the example of the so-called four-film concept.
  • Learners have the opportunity to try out this concept in an exercise.

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Course code: TM108
Exercise Category: Modules

Course Units

  • Quiz: What does that mean? 
  • Some questions for you to reflect about online e-interventions
  • Resource and solution orientation in online counselling 
  • Therapy manuals in online therapy
  • Minimum requirements for the qualification of online advisors, counsellors and therapists
  • Online enquiries are mostly text-based and require advanced reading and writing competences  82.png
  • Loss of interpreting aids in computer-mediated written communication
  • Written words as approximate translations of facetious internal states  83.png
  • Different horizons of the writer and the reader
  • What are your ideas to come to a common understanding?
  • A short introduction to hermeneutics, a theory of understanding of texts 
  • From the extension of horizons to the fusion of horizons
  • The four-film concept as an example for the decryption of texts 
  • 1st Film: The own sounding board
  • 2 nd Film: The theme and the psychosocial background
  • 3 rd Film: Diagnosis
  • 4 th Film: Intervention
  • Try it out and see!
  • Reflection
