Module 2: The spectrum of technology-enhanced information & communication tools and implications for advisors, counsellors and therapists

Pantelis Balaouras, Greek Academic Network


This module is addressed to professionals, e.g. advisors, counsellors and therapists, and discusses how these professionals may exploit technology-enhanced information tools, such as websites and Web 2.0 online elements (forms, calendars, blogs e.t.c.) as well as communication tools, such as video or voice chat applications and services, in order to communicate online with their clients in a safe way, in terms of data privacy and security, for the every day professional needs and activities.

Guidelines on how to find in Internet more information on these issues are also provided. 

View online the slides from here.

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Course code: TM102-IS
Category: Modules
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives

Course Units


  • Introduction
  • Communication with a client
  • Communication among Advisors/Counsellors/Therapists


  • Classification of interaction with a client
  • The traditional interaction in face to face meetings
  • Synchronous and asynchronous remote communication
  • Synchronous communication
  • Asynchronous communication
  • Chatting and messaging mobile applications
  • Well known mobile apps
  • Video calls
  • Virtual Reality Worlds/Environments


  • What is encryption and why it is important
  • End to end encryption
  • Technical standards for encryption in the web
  • Conclusion
  • Hint: Search for more information
