Module 6: Economic and financial aspects

Nives Hudej - Integra Institute – Slovenia

  • The first unit explains why online interventions are mostly payable and in which cases the costs of online interventions can be covered by health insurance companies.
  • The second unit explains why it is important to have a proper payment policy and how payments rules can be communicated with clients. Important aspects that need to be taken into consideration when we set price for online treatments are also presented.
  • Different payment options together with descriptions of the strengths and weaknesses of each one are available in the last unit.

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Course code: TM106-IS
Category: Modules
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives

Course Units

  • Payments from health insurance company: are online interventions included? 
  • Concessionaires or selected contractors
  • Price list and free offer
  • Excercise 1: Are in your country online intervention on the list of covered mental health treatments?
  • How to communicate payments rules 
  • Payment policy
  • How to achieve regular payments
  • Excercise : Prepare your payment policy
  • How to set the price for online intervention
  • Options for billing 
  • Different ways of paying
  • Online banking
  • Credit cards payments
  • Online payment systems
  • Payments by mobile devices
  • Smart payment cards
