Guidelines: Recommended approach for online counselling and psychotherapy



Irsko združenje za svetovanje in psihoterapijo (IACP) je pripravilo pripročnik z naslovom “Priporočila za izvajanje spletnega svetovanja in terapije” namenjenega psihoterapevtom, psihologom in psihiatrom, ki se zanimajo za svetovanje na daljavo. V njem si lahko preberejo več o pravnih, etičnih, strokovnih in varnostnih vidikih.

  • Ciljne skupine
  • Terapevti
  • Svetovalci
  • Teme
  • Drugo
  • Vrsta dobre prakse
  • Spletno gradivo
  • Jezik
  • Irska
Modul koda: TGP404
Kategorija Modula: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


The purpose of the  e-manual is to offer guidelines for several specific areas and contexts. These include telephone counselling, where the context is verbal exchange between client and practitioner conducted in real time, generic voice applications and generic video applications, where communication is either verbal or/and visual. Here are also forums and e-mailing which include private communication with time delay and FaceTime as a video chat application developed by Apple conducted in real time over Wi-Fi from iPhone or iPad. These guidelines are of relevance to all practitioners engaging in distance therapy, and should be read and considered alongside the IACP Code of Ethics and Practice for Counsellors/ Psychotherapists/Supervisors. The following areas are the principal focus of the guidelines: practitioner competence and training, contracts and client suitability, specific issues relating to working online, professional and legal considerations and issues of jurisdiction and protocols for security and appropriate platforms to assure safety and misuse.

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